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How To See TikTok Watch History

By Amirah Tan Published May 8, 2024
How To See TikTok Watch History

Enjoying the endless stream of TikTok videos and lost track of that knee-slapping comedy or mesmerizing dance routine? Don’t fret, your watch history is the compass that will guide you back to those memorable clips, it is available on both Android and iOS. Prep yourself for a quick back into the videos that made your scroll worthwhile, as we show you the ropes on how to revisit those favorites.

How To See TikTok Watch History

Uncovering your TikTok watch history is less of a labyrinth and more of a clear, marked trail. Here’s a step-by-step guide to finding those videos that caught your eye or made your day, ensuring nothing gets lost in the digital shuffle.

  1. Open the TikTok app on your device. Ensure you’re logged into your account where you’ve spent hours scrolling and interacting with content.
  2. Navigate to your profile by tapping on the ‘Me’ icon, typically found at the bottom right of your screen. This is your personal TikTok hub, where all your activities start and end.
  3. Access the settings and privacy menu by tapping the three lines or dots in the top right corner of your profile page. This is the gateway to deeper customizations and features within TikTok.
  4. Look for the ‘Watch history’ option under the ‘Content and Activity’ category. TikTok has neatly organized its settings menu to make finding what you need simpler.
  5. Tap on ‘Watch history’. Here, TikTok reveals a chronological list of videos you’ve watched over the past 180 days.
  • TikTok allows you to revisit your viewing escapades for up to 180 days in the past, offering a generous window to backtrack and find those memorable videos.
  • Engagement is crucial. If your presence on the platform has been more of a quiet observer than an active participant, your watch history may appear sparse. TikTok’s watch history feature becomes more robust with each interaction you make, from likes to comments and shares.


Alternative Methods for Finding Watched Videos

While the direct path through your watch history is a straightforward way to revisit content, sometimes a video slips through the cracks. Fear not, for there are alternative navigational tools at your disposal on TikTok, designed to help you relocate those elusive videos with ease. Here are few additional methods to consider:

1. Search Bar

By entering keywords, phrases, or even snippets of lyrics from the video, you can uncover not only the video in question but also a spectrum of similar content. This method relies on your memory of the video’s details, but even vague recollections can yield surprisingly accurate results.

2. Liked Videos

TikTok understands the value of easily accessible favorites. Your “Liked Videos” serve as a personalized playlist, capturing moments of joy, inspiration, and entertainment that struck a chord with you. Regularly visiting your “Liked Videos” can not only help you find previously enjoyed content but also rediscover gems you may have forgotten about.

3. Following List

Another avenue for re encountering videos is through your Following list. If there’s a creator whose content consistently resonates with you, chances are you might find the video you’re looking for—or similar ones—on their profile. This method is particularly effective for users who actively curate their Following list, aligning closely with creators that match their taste and interests.

4. Hashtags and Challenges

TikTok’s dynamic ecosystem is often organized around hashtags and challenges, making these powerful tools for tracking down videos. If the video you’re searching for was part of a popular challenge or trend, searching for the relevant hashtag can lead you not only to the specific video but also to a community of content centered around that theme.

5. Interactions and Comments

If you commented on or shared the video, you might find it through your interaction history. This method requires a bit more digging but can be effective for videos that made an impression strong enough to warrant an interaction from you.


How to Delete Watch History on TikTok

Whether you’re looking to declutter your viewing trail or simply prefer to keep your past video adventures private, TikTok provides a straightforward process to wipe your watch history clean. Follow these steps to refresh your TikTok slate and start anew:

  1. Navigate to Your Profile: Tap on the ‘Me’ icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. This action will take you to your TikTok profile, where all your personal settings and information are stored.
  2. Access Settings and Privacy: Look for the three dots or lines at the top right corner of your profile page. Tapping this icon will open the Settings and Privacy menu, a central hub for adjusting your TikTok experience.
  3. Find the ‘Watch History’ Option: Scroll through the settings until you locate the ‘Content and Activity’ section. Under this category, you’ll find the ‘Watch History’ option. Select it to proceed to the next step.
  4. Clear Your Watch History: Upon accessing your watch history, you’ll be presented with a list of videos you’ve watched. Here, TikTok offers two main options: you can either clear individual videos from your history by selecting them and choosing ‘Delete’, or you can wipe your entire watch history clean. To clear your entire watch history, look for the option to ‘Clear watch history’ or a similar command, usually situated at the top or bottom of the screen.
  5. Confirm Your Decision: TikTok will ask you to confirm your choice to delete your watch history. This step is crucial as it prevents accidental deletions. Once you’ve confirmed, your watch history will be erased.



Following this guide, you now have the keys to master your TikTok watch history, from rediscovering favorites to clearing your tracks. Let’s fresh back into those memorable moments or start anew on your TikTok journey. Enjoy exploring!

Amirah Tan

Amirah Tan, blending computer science expertise with a grasp of social dynamics, offers unique insights into Malaysia's software-society interface. Her...

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