Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

At BizTech Community, we prioritize the confidentiality of your personal information. Our Privacy Policy is enforced on the platform, including social media interactions, ensuring compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 of Malaysia. We handle your data with utmost care, focusing on its collection, processing, and usage.

Your privacy is our top concern. We guarantee that your personal data is not subject to unauthorized distribution, sale, or sharing with any external entities. On our website, we collect essential personal details such as your name and email address, solely for the purpose of providing you with additional content or downloads. This information is strictly used for internal communication, allowing us to provide you with updates and information related to our content, including newsletters you’ve subscribed to. If at any point you feel your personal data is being mishandled or compromised, we encourage you to reach out to us at

Violations Notification Procedure

Should you identify any content on our website, that you believe breaches our Terms of Use, please inform us promptly by emailing the terms of use at

Accuracy and Reliability Disclaimer

The content available on our website is intended purely for informational, discussion, and entertainment purposes. Some content, not moderated by the site, represents the individual views of the contributors. We advise exercising skepticism towards the site’s content, as it might be inaccurate, potentially harmful, or offensive.

Posting and Commenting Guidelines

As a user, you bear responsibility for your contributions and at your own risk. Your posts should be honest and factual. Avoid posts involving:

  • Sale, barter, or exchange of securities
  • Harassment, defamation, threats, stalking, bullying, or infringement on others’ legal rights
  • Unlawful activities
  • Impersonation or false representation of affiliation with any person or entity
  • Violation of intellectual property rights, including trade secrets, trademarks, and copyrights
  • Obscene, vulgar, bigoted, hateful, or racially offensive content
  • Commercial advertising
  • Gambling, contests, or chain letters
  • Breaches of any local, state, national, or international laws, including securities laws and regulations
  • Personal attacks on post-authors

If accused by a third party of unlawful content contribution, you are responsible for proving that your material adheres to all relevant laws.

Disclosure Policy

BizTech Community retains the right to disclose any information necessary to comply with any law, regulation, legal process, or government request. The site may also edit, refuse to post, or remove any content at its sole discretion and restrict access to users deemed to engage in inappropriate, unprofessional, or illegal conduct.

The site may remove content that violates any of the stated rules or is otherwise objectionable but is not obliged to do so. If you find any content offensive, your remedy is to discontinue its use.


The content on this website primarily consists of unregulated contributions that reflect the personal opinions and perspectives of individual authors on a myriad of topics. It’s important to understand that these contributions represent the views of their respective authors and do not constitute professional advice or the official stance of the Site or any affiliated individuals or entities.

The Site does not routinely moderate, screen, approve, review, or endorse its content, nor does it vouch for the accuracy of the content on linked external websites. These external links are not under the Site’s control, and their inclusion does not imply endorsement by the Site or its affiliates.

Please be aware that BizTech Community and all associated information, products, and services are provided on an “as is” basis, without any kind of warranty, either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, suitability for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

The Site does not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free functionality, nor does it ensure that the Site and its servers are free from computer viruses or other harmful elements. Any information obtained from the Site, or through its use, is done so at your own discretion and risk.

BizTech Community holds no responsibility for any potential losses or damages that may arise from the use of the Site. This includes issues related to defamation, errors, data loss, or disruptions in data availability, whether they stem from using the Site, posting content on it, or relying on information obtained directly or indirectly from the Site or its links.

Additionally, it’s important to note that our website does not function as an intermediary, broker/dealer, investment advisor, or exchange, and does not offer such services.

License Terms 

As a user, in accordance with the Terms of Use, you are provided with a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to access and utilize the Site. This license allows you to engage with the site’s content strictly for personal and non-commercial purposes. It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of any information from the Site is legally permissible.

When you contribute to the Site through postings or any form of communication within its platform, you grant us (or its successors) an ongoing, royalty-free, and irreversible right and license. This license includes the permission for the Site to use, replicate, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, transmit, display publicly, perform publicly, sublicense, generate derivative works from, transfer, and even sell any such contributed information.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction 

By using BizTech Community,  you acknowledge and agree that any disputes or issues arising from these Terms of Use or in relation to any content posted on the Site (including its copying and republication), regardless of their nature – be it contractual, tortious, statutory, or otherwise – will be subject to and governed by the laws of Malaysia, without regard to its conflict of law principles.

Additionally, you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in Malaysia. These courts will serve as the exclusive legal forum for resolving such disputes.

Copyright and Compensation Policy 

The materials available on BizTech Community are primarily designed for personal usage and expression, except where otherwise specified. The website holds ownership over its content, safeguarded by both Malaysia and international copyright laws. Unauthorized use, which includes copying, distributing, modifying, displaying, reproducing, or duplicating any content or images without the website owner’s explicit written permission, is strictly prohibited.

Image credits are duly given to the original sources, except for those produced by the article’s authors. We are committed to respecting the rights and privacy of individuals in our use of photos and materials and do not intend their exploitation for commercial purposes. If you have concerns regarding the privacy of any photo or material on our site, please contact us via our email.

Our website accepts various forms of compensation, including sponsorships, paid insertions, and other types. The website’s owner(s) may receive compensation for providing opinions on products, services, websites, and other topics. Nonetheless, the views and opinions expressed on this site are purely those of the authors. We advise that any product claims, statistics, quotes, or other representations about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or relevant party.

BizTech Community adheres to word-of-mouth marketing standards, acknowledging that compensation received may affect the advertising content, topics, or posts on the website. Despite receiving compensation, the owner(s) are committed to providing honest opinions, findings, beliefs, and experiences on those topics or products. Transparency and honesty in informing our audience, including the nature of our opinions and relationships, are values we uphold.

For further information or inquiries, please reach out to us at