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Top Ranked Disney Movies – From Timeless Classics to New Favorites

By Emilia Dela Cruz

Last updated May 6, 2024

Oh, Disney movies. There’s just something about them that makes you think of flying on magic carpets, animals breaking into song, and happy endings. From the hand-drawn masterpieces that made up the golden age of animation to the cutting-edge CGI wonders that keep pushing storytelling boundaries, it’s not hard to see why Disney is such a beloved part of people’s lives.

But ask ten people what their favorite Disney movie is, and they’ll give you ten different answers. Why? Each film has its own unique charm and speaks to us on deeply personal levels with its themes, emotions, and experiences.

In this article, I’ll be delving into the magical world of Disney and breaking down the best of the best according to all kinds of categories. You’ll find classics that have stood the test of time, modern gems that innovated in storytelling and everything else in between.

Best Disney Movies by Category

With decades upon decades worth of stories under its belt it would take forever to go through every single one (and we’d also be here all day). Instead let’s highlight some iconic films by category so you can get a sense for where your tastes lie.

Classics (Pre-1990s)

1) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

The first feature-length animated film follows a princess as she tries to escape her wicked stepmother by hiding in a forest with seven dwarfs. It showed producers at the time — and audiences now — how much emotion could be packed into an animated story.

Watching Snow White venture into a cursed sleep before being saved by true love felt like watching magic happen right before my eyes — because it was! Her journey through peril until she eventually got her fairytale ending showed me there was nothing too grand for Disney to tackle creatively.

Rating: 7.6/10

Release: December 21, 1937

Director: David Hand

Cast: Adriana Caselotti, Harry Stockwell

Related Series: N/A

2) Pinocchio (1940)

Telling the story of a wooden puppet brought to life by a fairy, Pinocchio explores themes like honesty, bravery, and what it means to be human in ways no other Disney film ever has.

Watching this movie for the first time was like getting hit by lightning. I’d never seen anything like it before! The animation was ahead of its time but also lent itself perfectly to how serious and heavy this coming-of-age tale is.

Rating: 7.5/10

Release: February 7, 1940

Director: Norman Ferguson, T. Hee

Cast: Dickie Jones, Christian Rub

Related Series: N/A

3) The Lion King (1994)

A classic that needs no introduction, Simba’s journey from cub to king is set against the vibrant backdrop of an African savannah. It teaches kids about responsibility, redemption and the circle of life without them even knowing they’re learning at all. And that’s magic at work.

If one thing makes The Lion King so special, it’s not just how powerful it is as an epic. It also can captivate you with emotions you didn’t know you had or could feel — all while being stimulated by stunning visuals and a score that sends shivers down your spine. I’m getting goosebumps just writing about it. This is truly one of the best Disney movies of all time!

Rating: 8.5/10

Release: June 24, 1994

Director: Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff

Cast: Matthew Broderick, James Earl Jones

Related Series: “The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride,” “The Lion King 1½”

The Disney Renaissance (1990s):

4) Beauty and the Beast (1991)

As cliche as it sounds, true love really can bring out the best in people — even if they’re cursed to live their lives out as beasts until they find someone who’ll kiss them. This tale, as old as time, was also the first animated film ever nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards.

There isn’t much more can be said about Beauty and The Beast that hasn’t already been said before by millions of others since its release. That just goes to show how enchanting this movie truly is — both in terms of the story itself as well as what went into creating such groundbreaking animation.

Rating: 8.0/10

Release: November 22, 1991

Director: Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise

Cast: Paige O’Hara, Robby Benson

Related Series: N/A

5) The Little Mermaid (1989)

The Little Mermaid follows Ariel, a mermaid princess who dreams of a life on land. She makes a deal with the sea witch Ursula to become human, but there’s always a cost. This film launched Disney in the 90s and brought back their animation studio with its memorable music, rich storytelling, and advanced animation techniques.

Whenever I watch The Little Mermaid, I’m reminded that anything is possible if you work hard enough and never give up. Ariel’s curiosity and determination, paired with the captivating underwater world, make this movie one of my favorites.

Rating: 7.6/10

Release: November 17, 1989

Director: Ron Clements, John Musker

Cast: Jodi Benson, Pat Carroll

Related Series: Followed by direct-to-video sequels The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (2000) and The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginning (2008).

6) Aladdin (1992)

Aladdin is an Arabian young man who discovers a magic lamp and gains three wishes from the genie inside. He uses his magical three chances to win over Princess Jasmine’s heart and destroy the evil sorcerer, Jafar. Aladdin is known for being full of stunning animations, Robin Williams’ performance as Genie, and strong cultural representation.

Aladdin takes you on an exciting ride from beginning to end. The Genie’s humor lies in every corner. The carpet ride itself is thrilling enough not to forget, and the story of true love mixed with bravery against greed will keep me coming back time and time again. It’s one of those movies where laughter meets adventure meets romance for a perfect blend.

Rating: 8.0/10

Release: November 25, 1992

Director: Ron Clements, John Musker

Cast: Scott Weinger, Robin Williams, Linda Larkin

Related Series: Expanded into a franchise with The Return of Jafar (1994) and Aladdin and the King of Thieves (1996), along with an animated TV series and a live-action adaptation in 2019.

Modern Era (2000s-present):

7) Moana (2016)

A spirited Polynesian girl sets sails out into sea alone to save her people from certain doom. Along her journey, she learns more about herself than anyone else could’ve ever taught her. In finding herself, she finds her ancestor’s power, too. Moana focuses on self-discovery along with cultural heritage, which sets it apart from many other tales.

Moana was an absolute masterpiece when it comes to visuals and emotional impact. Celebrating courage while emphasizing exploration through its vibrant tale inspired viewers around the globe to take similar chances in their own lives. For all the modern movies, this one is a must in the list of best Disney movies.

Rating: 7.6/10

Release: November 23, 2016

Director: Ron Clements, John Musker

Cast: Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson

Related Series: N/A

8) Toy Story (1995) & its sequels

Toy Story introduced us to the wonders of Pixar animation, following a loveable group of animated toys that come to life when humans are not around. Its sequels have expanded this universe and still manage to consistently balance humor, heart, and innovation in every release.

The Toy Story series holds a special place in my heart as I grew up with it, and I loved how each movie evolved individually. It’s a universally relatable saga about friendship, change, and belonging.

Rating: 8.3/10

Release: November 22, 1995

Director: John Lasseter

Cast: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen

Related Series: “Toy Story 2” (1999), “Toy Story 3” (2010), “Toy Story 4” (2019)

9) Zootopia (2016)

In a city of talking animals, a rabbit cop has to team up with a fox con artist to uncover a conspiracy. The movie is celebrated for its witty take on diversity and prejudice, all wrapped in an exciting detective story plot.

I was blown away by Zootopia’s smart storytelling and richly developed world. Its timely social commentary makes it both accessible and thought-provoking, which is very rare for kid’s films these days.

Rating: 8.0/10

Release: March 4, 2016

Director: Byron Howard, Rich Moore

Cast: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman

Related Series: N/A

Factors to Consider When Choosing a “Best” Disney Movie

Deciding which Disney movie is the best isn’t exactly a cut-and-dry process. Though it’s tempting to say that magic spells and catchy songs are what make a Disney movie, there’s actually so much more to consider. This kingdom of favorite films comes in all genres, target audiences, and critical acclaim. So where can you find them? Here’s how you can find the best Disney movies:

1) Genre

The ocean of Disney movies has waves in every direction when it comes to genre variation, but they’re usually rooted in these categories:

· Animation vs. Live-action: Yes, animation is what brought Walt Disney’s vision to life. However, live-action adaptations have been known to open up beloved stories in new ways. You can choose between the classics or something totally immersive – either way, there’s definitely a movie that fits your genre preference.

· Musicals vs. Comedies vs. Dramas: It almost seems as if Disney invented blending genres seamlessly into one masterpiece since they’ve mastered the art themselves. Sometimes, you might want to sing at the top of your lungs, or maybe you need a good laugh. Whatever mood suits you best, there’s sure to be a handful of options on this streaming platform.

2) Target Audience

Disney knows that its magic whispers to the child inside us all, and they create stories accordingly. That being said, some movies are more focused than others when it comes to their audience:

· Movies for Children: Everyone knows that Disney movies teach valuable lessons with fun adventures included, but some are specifically designed for younger audiences.

· Movies Appealing to All Ages: On the other hand, many Disney movies have layers of enjoyment and meaning that appeal even outside of childhood nostalgia.

3) Critical Acclaim

With its sparkling wand, the best Disney movies catch the eyes of critics and award panels time after time. They’ve got awards galore in these areas:

· Awards and Nominations: Disney movies are no strangers to awards season and always walk away with handfuls of statues. This is usually an indication that the movie is artistically outstanding and universally enjoyable.

· Positive Reviews from Critics: Reading reviews before you watch a flick is a great way to see if it’s worth your time. Plus, critics will often provide insight into a movie’s storytelling quality, animation technique, and overall impact.

4) Popularity and Cultural Impact

Leaving a lasting imprint on our hearts and culture is probably the true magic behind Disney movies. They’ve got these categories down:

· Box Office Success: Sometimes, the numbers speak for themselves. A high box office performance could mean that audiences worldwide were immediately infatuated with the film.

· Enduring Legacy and Influence on Popular Culture: When something inspires countless works in all different forms, you know it’s good.

Where to Find Disney Movies

Going on a marathon of the best Disney movies can seem like an adventure only fit for a hero in one of their tales. But trust me when I say that nowadays, finding where to stream them isn’t too far out of reach thanks to these resources:

1) Disney+

Disney+ is a treasure trove. As the official streaming service for Disney content, it’s got an exhaustive list that spans decades and genres. Animated classics sit right alongside the latest hits from Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars. I personally love how easy this one is to browse. They’ve got everything in one place, which means finding something new (or old) to watch only takes a few clicks.

2) Netflix

While Disney+ might be the king of all things Disney movies, Netflix is like a constantly changing all-you-can-eat buffet of them. They only have certain movies for certain periods of time due to licensing agreements, but that’s part of the fun! There have been so many times when I’ve randomly stumbled upon a nostalgic favorite or found a hidden gem I’d never heard of before on Netflix. If you’re exploring other genres as well as your Disney favorites, it’s always worth seeing if they’re slinging any animated or live-action magic in your region.

3) Amazon Prime Video

For the movies not currently living in either Disney+ or Netflix, there’s Amazon Prime Video. You can buy or rent select movies here when you’re feeling super specific about what you want to watch (I’ve used this feature more than once). It’s convenient having my own digital copy forever — especially since who knows how long some titles will stay on streaming services — and renting one for family movie night has saved me multiple times!

4) Accessing Disney Movies

To get started with any of these three platforms (Disney+, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video), all you need is an account — whether it’s a subscription or just registering with Amazon.com. Each platform offers different plans depending on how much access you want and if you want to add additional features.

Just remember: Licensing agreements change over time, and what was available yesterday might not be available today! So,, if you don’t see your desired film on one, try your luck with the others before giving up.

Using these three platforms has been like staring at a puzzle and forming the perfect plan to put it together. Each platform is a missing piece that connects you to different Disney stories. So, no matter where you are or what you’re in the mood for, there’s a way (or two) to click your way to the best Disney movies easily.


In the kingdom of best Disney movies, declaring one a “best” film is as challenging as picking the fairest apple in the land. With genres that span from whimsical princess tales to suspenseful animated adventures featuring talking bugs, target audiences that range from 1 year old all the way up to happily-ever-after romantics in their 90s, critical acclaim that adorns their crowns and box office numbers that would make even Scrooge McDuck’s jaw drop — each film truly holds its own place in this magical universe.

I encourage you to traverse this massive library, directed by your tastes, the aforementioned factors, and a pinch of pixie dust. Regardless if you’re sailing away with Moana, dancing in a ballroom with Belle, or flying over Agrabah with Aladdin, the best Disney movie is the one that speaks to your heart.

Emilia Dela Cruz

Emilia is a seasoned writer with a knack for crafting engaging content in the entertainment sphere. With a keen eye...

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